- Air Booking Center: New Abu Leila Bldg, Qasr Street; T:
8776731, E: indo@abctravelplus.com, W: wwww.abctravelplus.com
- Italian Tourism Company: St 31, Amrat; T: 8487961, E: info@italtourisimsudan.com, W: http://www.italtourisim.com
- Kerma Travel: Al Ridaa Bldg, Hurriya St; T: 873392, E: info@kermatravel.com, W: http://www.kermatravel.com
- Lendi Travel: Sayed Abdul Rahman St; T: 09912874080, E: waleed.travel@gmail.com, W: http://www.lenditravel.com
- Mashansharti Tours: Sati Bldg, Sayed Abdul Rahman St, M: 0912253484, E: sudan.tours@gmail.com, W: http://www.tour-sudan.com
- Raidan Travel: Canary St, Omdurman; T: (0120) 820009, E: raidantravel@gmail.com, W: http://www.raidantravel.com
- Rose Travel & Tourisim: Mek Nimir Street; T: 8769913, E: info@rosetravel-sd.com, W: http://www.rosetravel-sd.com
- 5M: Katarina St, Khartoum 2; M: 0912301407, E: mickey5m1@gmail.com, W: http://www.5mhotel.com (car hire & hotel booking only)
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